Post office

© Post office 00/00/00   

Postkantoor 00/00/00 is a post office that handles letters to the deceased.

It helps people to come to terms with their loss, by writing beyond death. 
Handwritten letters to the deceased.

Art is comfort.


Because love does not die.


Grief is a reverse stamp on a sealed envelope.


Het Postkantoor was established on the 05/01/2017 as something to hold on to in the dark days of grief.

It is a tribute to the (grand)mother of Tine Marie Van Damme, the person who inspired this project.


00/00/00, because there is no time in death. 

The bereaved reset the clocks. There is life with and life without the deceased.


The past few years ink has flowed like tears on a piece of paper.

We received an ocean of words.

Our artist collective made its way through grief and comfort.

All senders received an illustration by way of reply.






How will we operate as from the 05/01/2024:


Every day our post office clerk will empty the letterbox of Postkantoor 00/00/00.

In silence.

She will read the letter* and cherish your words.

She will select a quote** from your letter and choose a comforting illustration from our gallery.

Every sender will receive comfort.


But that is not all.


Once the letter has been sent the sender has up to three months to request a unique drawing, a personalized interpretation of his or her letter by an artist of his or her choosing.

Place your order*** (custom drawing) here.

Our artist will set to work and mould your words into images.

You will receive unique comfort.


* Your letter will be filed. For eternity.

** Your quote will be anonymised and published on our website, Instagram, and Facebook.

We will only state the name of the deceased. Do not cross out their name, do not forget them.

*** Social rate upon request.



Post office 00/00/00

letter to the deseased

Postbox 40 / B-9000 GENT-CENTRUM



Comment procéder à partir du 05/01/2024 :

Notre facteur vide chaque jour la boîte aux lettres du bureau de poste 00/00/00.

En silence.

Elle lit la lettre*, chérit vos mots.

Pour chaque lettre, elle choisit une image de consolation générale de notre collectif artistique et une citation** de votre lettre.

Cette consolation vous est envoyée.

Et ce n'est pas tout.

Vous, l'auteur de la lettre, pouvez demander un tirage unique jusqu'à 3 mois après avoir écrit votre lettre.

Une interprétation visuelle de votre lettre.

Vous choisissez votre artiste parmi notre collectif.

Vous passez votre commande*** (dessin personnalisé) ici.

Notre artiste se met au travail pour vous et transforme vos mots en une consolation visuelle. Un réconfort unique vous sera envoyé.